Bluehost Review

Bluehost Review


Bluehost is our editor’s choice for high quality web hosting.  Since their beginning, Bluehost has provided reliable web hosting for a reasonable cost. Normally, their rate is $7.95 per month, but currently they have dropped their rate to $3.95 per month, which is ultra competitive and they only require one year prepayment unlike most other web hosting companies

Plan FeaturesBluehost
Disk SpaceUnlimited
BandwidthUnlimited GB
FTP Accountsunlimited
CGI-BIN, Perl & SSIYes
Frontpage ExtensionsYes
Raw Log FilesYes
Platform OSUNIX
Control PanelCPanel
Web StatsWebalizer, AWStats

Control Panel

Bluehost uses the latest version CPanel for their control panel software.  The control panel is one of the most reputable control panel software in the industry. It has a huge number of advanced features and unlike some control panels, all of their features faction error-free. You can restart services such as Mysql when it crashes and you can even manage your billing here and schedule automated backups.

Customer Service

They provide email based support twenty four hours a day and phone support is also provided 24 hours a day. A plus is that they have live support on the main page of the website anytime during the year even during the holidays. Most companies usually have live support, but usually on the main page they are closed. Their representatives are also more knowledgeable than others we have experienced and they really explain a solution to your problem such as scripting issues while other web hosts just rush you to finish the conversation over the phone.

Setup Time

Accounts are usually setup instantly upon purchase of your order. They will also voice confirm your order the phone which will unlock the bonus coupon offers of your web hosting package. But even if they don’t get a hold of you, your web hosting account is still fully active.


Only selling one kind of web hosting package.


Strong website referral data is also provided. Their website software is amazing as it shows the visits of your past 250 visitors. Unlimited domain pointers and sub-domains are also provided.  Their software is also up-to-date as they have PHP5 already when other web hosts are still slowly migrating to this platform.

Our Opinion

Bluehost is the ultimate choice if you are looking for a top notch web hosting provider. Their low price, excellent support and reliability is something not all web hosts provide but Bluehost is the exception.

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